Today's Gospel: Luke 17:26-37 Today's Gospel got my attention and shook me up a little. Let's call it a reality check; it's not enough to to blithely live our lives being "good." Our judgment will come, and we must be ready - ready as faithful and committed Christians. Those who are caught by surprise will face condemnation. Rather than frighten me, this Gospel encourages me to double-up my efforts to grow in faith. I don't want to get too comfortable and consumed by the distractions of the world and lose my salvation, but rather, put my faith into action and seek the Lord in all I do.


Consider how you spend your day. What occupies your time? Can you set aside a portion of that time for Christ?


Lord, inflame me with the desire to seek You, serve You, and wait with joyful anticipation for the day You come for me.
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