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Today's Gospel: Matthew 7:21, 24-27
As I sit to write today's gospel reflection, I find myself thinking about the childhood song, The Wise Man Built His House Upon the Rock. Life was so simple then. In my heart then, as now, I know the rock that our faith and lives must anchor to and focus on is Jesus.
In today's gospel, Jesus tells a story about two different men. One man built his house on the sand - listened to God's words but didn't act on them. The other man, the wiser man, built his house on the rock - not only did he listen to God's words, he let them sink into his heart and soul; promised to put them to action; and lived a life that honored God. If you think about it, the two houses probably looked alike on the surface. It wasn't until the storms came that the true foundation was revealed.
People, Jesus is challenging us to put our faith in action. He is challenging us to reflect on and discern the Father's will so that we live our lives according to God's plan. We are called to be His disciples. Are you ready for the challenge?
Being God's disciple is not an easy job and it never has been. But guess what? First, we are in good company. Look at the saints and disciples that came before us. Secondly, God never promised easy. What God promised is that if we put our faith in Him, and live our lives doing His will, that He will be our rock and foundation that will protect us and help us weather any storm. He knows we won't get it right every day, but He expects us to keep trying. Let us be wise builders of our foundations!
Copyright 2018 Emily Davis Emily Davis is - Catholic. Texan. Wife. Mama. Grandma. Crafter. Volunteer. Friend. Teacher. Writer. Faith Influencer. Her military family settled in Fort Worth. Between them, she and Marque have four children and three grandsons. Christopher is the only child still at home. She blogs at Receive newsletters in your inbox, including the Daily Gospel Reflection each morning! * indicates required
God gives us the moral blueprints to build our faith homes. Will we take shortcuts and rush to build any old house, or will we take the time to dig secure foundations in the rock?Pray:
Holy Spirit, teach me how to live so that I earnestly back my words up by actions; live my life gracefully; and trust in God's plan always.Copyright 2018 Emily Davis Emily Davis is - Catholic. Texan. Wife. Mama. Grandma. Crafter. Volunteer. Friend. Teacher. Writer. Faith Influencer. Her military family settled in Fort Worth. Between them, she and Marque have four children and three grandsons. Christopher is the only child still at home. She blogs at Receive newsletters in your inbox, including the Daily Gospel Reflection each morning! * indicates required

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Our Gospel Reflections Team is comprised of over 115 volunteers. We invite you to join us daily to reflect upon the Liturgy of the Word and thank our volunteers for sharing their gifts.