Today's Gospel: Luke 9:1-6 Today’s Gospel encourages us to proclaim the Good News, but not to force it on anyone who doesn’t want the peace Christ brings. In my mind I know this lesson well, but a Twitter argument, a defiant adult child or a neighbor who doesn’t share my values can leave me having imaginary fights in my head. I’m sure that there were people the apostles spoke to who just didn’t get or accept the message. Their job was not to convince everyone, just to spread the news. I have a saying that I cling to when I worry about my own family members’ faith journeys: “I only have to speak the truth and then do everything I can to live my life without being a hypocrite. The rest is up to the Holy Spirit.”


Do I get caught up in arguments or debates believing that I can convince others of truth all by myself?


Lord, help me to remember that the Holy Spirit is the teacher and that the most important way I can spread Your truth is by my own actions.
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