Reflection by Amy Blair Today's Gospel: Luke 13:1-9 At first reading, this gospel sounds very confusing. But reading a few times in a row, you begin to see what Jesus is doing here. He’s trying to help people to see that if we don’t repent, if we don’t make things right with God, we could “perish” just like the Galileans and the 18 who were killed when the tower fell on them. Same for the fig tree parable. Jesus is trying to help us understand that those who are not “bearing fruit” at this time are not to be written off as a total loss. God can work through anyone -- even the person who refuses to stop sinning. It’s a personal message for me today as well. There are people in my life who have chosen a life without God and my heart breaks for them and what they are missing. Jesus is telling me to keep taking care of them with my prayer and perseverance in encouraging. I need to help cultivate and fertilize the tree so that it may bear fruit in the future!


Do you ‘pray without ceasing” for those in your life who have little to no faith? Resolve today to never stop praying by name for each and every person in your life. God hears all our prayers. He longs for our salvation.


Lord Jesus, help us to repent, turn from sin, and turn to you always. Allow our prayers for those around us to soften their hearts to Your loving forgiveness and mercy.
Copyright 2019 Amy Blair Amy is mom to 8, wife to superman, and co-chair of the Catholic Women of Buffalo, Inc. When she's not chasing a rambunctious one year old, she loves to speak to women/small groups about the amazing truth of the Catholic faith. Receive newsletters in your inbox, including the Daily Gospel Reflection each morning! * indicates required
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