Today's Gospel: Mark 8:22-26 This is a very curious passage. Jesus, who could heal people from afar and through contact with His clothing, needed to lay hands twice on the blind man to completely heal him. Some commentators say this particular passage reflects the way Jesus gradually revealed Himself to His disciples. He often reveals Himself slowly to us modern Christians, too. Just as our eyes sting when we suddenly see a bright light after sitting in darkness, so too, the fullness of the beauty, truth, and love of Jesus be can difficult to grasp all at once. We may need to admit to Jesus that we are not where we want to be spiritually, and ask for further healing. Being very near-sighted myself, I completely understand what it is like to see people look like walking trees. After reflecting on this passage, I am going to take the opportunity each morning as I put on my glasses or contact lenses to remind myself to ask God to heal my spiritual near-sightedness so that I may see Him more clearly.


What areas of your life might you ask Jesus to further heal?


Sweet Lord Jesus, heal my spiritual vision so that I may see You clearly in my life.
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