Today's Gospel: Luke 24:13-35 - 3rd Sunday of Easter
In beginning of our own walk to Emmaus we actually find it comforting to turn over the events of the day. In sharing these joys and sorrows with one another we feel lighter, comforted initially by the awareness that we are not alone. Do we fully realize the lifelong commitment that we are undertaking? One that would be arduous at times, requiring both surrender and trust to the journey ahead? Truth is, none of us have any idea what God has in store when we turn our lives over to Him and choose to follow Christ.
If we left the story here, our hearts that burned would fizzle and the memory fade amidst our daily activities. Yet, we recognize the familiarity of His words and become accustomed to His stride longing to spend more time with Him. For to accompany Christ, is to desire to align our will and steps to His, letting go of the known to embrace the unknown gift ahead. This walk of fellowship ushers us to dine together, and in sharing our brokenness we finally partake in the full presence of our friend and savior. This is the Pascal mystery; this is Eucharist.
In my childhood as a Baptist, though my heart too burned in anticipation, it remained unfulfilled. Mere remembrances of Christ’s gift simply could not satisfy the deeper longing I experienced. Now as a Catholic, this absence has been replaced with a tangible real presence found in the Eucharist. This full response to that hunger of our hearts cannot be contained. And here each of us are given the graced responsibility anew to share that joy of the Gospel with hearts afire!
May that fire never be extinguished!
[Tweet "None of us have any idea what God has in store when we turn our lives over to Him and choose to follow Christ. #dailygospel By @theologyisaverb"]
Am I willing to let go of the known to go from absence to presence with Christ? Do I actively seek to share this fire of the Gospel with others?
Lord, speak to me. Let the eyes of my heart recognize and embrace You both in word and presence. Transformed, may I then be courageous enough to let others see You in me!
Copyright 2020 Elizabeth Reardon
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About the Author

Elizabeth Reardon
Elizabeth Reardon is Director of Parish Ministries and Pastoral Associate for the Collaborative Parishes of Resurrection & St. Paul in Hingham, Massachusetts; a wife and mother of three; certified spiritual director; and writer at TheologyIsAVerb.com. Her writing is an invitation to seek and create space for God in the midst of the busyness of everyday life.