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Today's Gospel: John 6:35-40 - Memorial of Saint Catherine of Siena

Jesus is the Bread of Life. He tells us, He shows us, He feeds us, He loves us, He gives us Himself. He has given His life for our salvation and His Body and Blood to sustain us in the life so we can be in heaven in the next life. It is a gift beyond all gifts. When I receive communion (back before the current coronavirus situation) the first thought is always of gratitude. And then, as Jesus has poured Himself out for me, I want to do the same. At Mass the priest says, “Do this in memory of me” at the consecration. We are to remember Jesus, but in that remembering there is also a call for our lives. How can we help others know Him? Are we sharing Him with others? Besides gratitude, I have an urge to give what I have been given to others. I want everyone to know Jesus. I ask myself, does my life reflect Him or not? Does my receiving Jesus make be a better person? As John the Baptist said, “I must decrease, He must increase.”

Communion isn’t just for us alone; it is meant to be shared with others. Through our words and actions, we can share this gift. We share the fruit of our receiving Jesus with others.

The Eucharist is transforming if we ask for transformation. What needs to go in our attitude? Where do we need comfort or healing? Even though we can't receive communion right now, we can still make a spiritual communion. And then, ask for what you need; Jesus is right there with you. Ask Him. He is listening. Allow Him to transform you in whatever way you need. He will.

[Tweet "Think about what you will ask Jesus to transform the next time you are able to receive the Eucharist. #dailygospel By @notlukewarm316"]


Think about what you will ask Jesus to transform the next time you are able to receive the Eucharist.


Jesus, You are my greatest gift. Help me to receive You with gratitude, humility and hope. Amen.

Copyright 2020 Deanna Bartalini

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