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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Matthew 18:15-20


The first verse of this Gospel stops me in my tracks. How often have I complained of an offense to a third person, instead of talking to the offender herself? And how often have I been grateful that someone whose toes I stepped on came to me alone, without spreading it around?

It takes courage to tell a friend they’ve done something wrong. Because there’s a chance we either misunderstood their words and actions, or that we might need to face the fact that our hurt comes from our own wounds rather than their transgression.

The gospel’s last line tells us how to carry out the first part: if we ask for the advice of trusted, God-loving people, the Holy Spirit will speak through them to give us the wisdom we may not be able to attain by ourselves.

God has created us for community. That means that at different times, we will be both offended and helped by our fellows. When we feel we’ve been slighted, it is Jesus’ forgiveness that we offer. When we need help forgiving, our prayer partners will help us recognize and live God’s wisdom to build up the Kingdom as a community of love.

At different times, we will be both offended and helped by our fellows. When we feel we’ve been slighted, it is Jesus’ forgiveness that we offer. #dailygospel



Is there someone who has hurt me who I should approach with honesty and charity so that we can be reconciled?



Lord, let me show those who have hurt me the same forgiveness that You have shown me.


Copyright 2020 Rose Folsom