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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Reflection by Catherine Schipper

Today's Gospel: Matthew 14:22-36


I wrote on this same passage several years ago. At that time, upon placing myself in the scene, I wrote that I definitely would not have attempted to walk on the water. In fact, I would not have been in the boat at all. In retrospect, I was looking at my fears and not at Christ.

This passage took on greater significance when my husband and I were on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. It was a moment in time that exemplifies that scripture is truly the living Word of God and is alive today. As we were traveling to the Jesus Boat Experience, my husband questioned if I would participate knowing that boating is not my favorite pastime. However, I did not want to miss a thing. As we walked across the dock with the sound of our footsteps echoing upon the wooden planks my excitement mounted. It was intoxicating to step aboard smelling the sea air and hearing the waves lapping against the side of the boat. More than intoxicating, it was an experience of the sacred.

The day was beautiful when we embarked on the journey. As we traveled away from shore we experienced a squall at sea heightening the authenticity of the total experience. As our two boats were tethered together we were directed to sit in silence and listen to the scripture passage. Although I am legally blind, I experienced a sensation of bright light near the shore. It was if Christ was beckoning me to “Come”. At that moment, I would have stepped out of the boat. Rather than being engulfed in fear, I was transfixed by the feeling of the loving hand of Christ reaching across time and space enfolding me in His peace, saying, “Do not be afraid”.

Would you step out of the boat? #dailygospel



How are you being called to walk on water?



Christ, be my light when I walk in fear, trusting that Your loving hand will always strengthen me and guide me. Amen.


Copyright 2020 Catherine Schipper

As I continue on my journey of vision loss I could not do this without the help of my husband of 44 years. We enjoy traveling as well as music, going to concerts and musicals along with experiencing new adventures.