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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Matthew 13:54-58


A carpenter’s son. Mary’s son. Certainly, this man couldn’t be holy, couldn’t have wisdom. When we begin to know another person, we often give them labels. It’s easy for us to assume what’s in his heart or what her relationship with the Lord is like.

Good mom, poor housekeeper, not good with money, nice hair, watches shallow television … probably doesn’t pray much or know much about Catholicism. What we see on the outside is what we use to create a picture of the inside, of her heart. Yet, no one knows another’s heart fully except the Lord.

As soon as we turn the mirror on ourselves, we understand this instantly. I am not my attitude when I have a headache. I am not disorganized in my whole life because my desk is cluttered. I am not a bad Catholic if I can’t recite the names of the twelve apostles.

Whether you’re a Catholic theologian or just dipping your toes into the Christian faith, there’s hope. You are not your labels. If you can’t seem to make time to read your Bible, if you have little kids and can’t hear the readings at Mass, if you haven’t had the opportunity to sit in adoration, let me tell you the only thing you really need to know: Jesus loves you and His mercy is endless.

This is true for you, for me, and for every single person you meet no matter how bad their behavior is. He is all we truly have and He is all we truly need. Ask for His guidance and His forgiveness. Invite Him to help you see your weaknesses and to understand what it means to really rest in Him. Don’t label others. Don’t listen to their labels for you. Trust in His endless mercy.

Jesus loves you and His mercy is endless. This is true for you, for me, and for every single person you meet no matter how bad their behavior is. #dailygospel



Who is someone you may have judged unfairly who you can pray for today?



Lord, help me to see what You see in others - Your deep love for them. Help me to have the humility to call on Your endless mercy for myself.


Copyright 2020 Sterling Jaquith