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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Matthew 5:13-16


It was an unusual penance—one that caught me by surprise. My confessor asked me to go an entire day without seasoning my food—no basil, no rosemary, no thyme. In my mother’s kitchen, that would mean that I would take my meals “plain.”

It was a memorable 24 hours. I had no idea how reliant I was on various sweets and spices for my daily nourishment. The hardest cross to bear, however, was to go without salt. With my baked potato bare, I was not a happy camper.

When Jesus calls us the salt of the earth, He is describing us as being delectably good. We add immeasurably to our surroundings, making the world a better and more appetizing place. But if we lose that special ingredient which sets us apart, we might as well be dust under Jesus’ feet, doing little to enhance our environment.

So too, we are called to be a light in the darkness of the world. We are meant to share our talents and not hide them under a bushel basket. Our aim is not our own edification, but to show glory to God.

When people see our light - when they see our good deeds - they should see us as a reflection of God.

It is much like a mother who can see her father’s features in her son’s face. Every time she gazes on her child, she sees the love of her father.

To be salt and light in the 21st century can seem a daunting proposition. But nothing is impossible with God. We must pray every day that we can spread God’s love to other people, to show them that the Lord is King in our lives. Through our evangelization, we can bring the world to Christ, and aid humanity in not falling.



What talents can you use today to light up your corner of the world?



Dear Jesus, help me to light the way so that others can see You, know You, and love You despite the hardships they may encounter along their path.

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When Jesus calls us the salt of the earth, He is describing us as being delectably good. #dailygospel


Copyright 2021 Maria V. Gallagher