Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.
Today's Gospel: Matthew 5:17-19
Jesus proclaims in today’s Gospel that He came down to earth not to do away with the Old Testament laws, but to fulfill them. Just as He told the two disciples walking on their way to Emmaus after His Resurrection, “'Ought not the Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into His glory?’ And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself” (Luke 24: 26-27).
Jesus opened their eyes and hearts to understand the meaning behind all of the Old Testament prophecies that foretell the coming of the Messiah to be the ultimate sacrifice for men’s sins.
Jesus proclaims that His role on earth was not to totally do away with the Torah as the Jewish disciples knew it. He came to fulfill all of the historical years of faith, sinfulness, commandments, wars and genealogy as the Savior of all of fallen mankind. Jesus came to institute a new command, a new covenant, a new law of love but it was based on what they knew of the old covenant of their ancestors. The Good News of Jesus’ death and resurrection accomplishes what God promised repeatedly to His Chosen people. It brings life and eternal reward for all of them, and to all of us today too.
Thank God He sent us His Only Begotten Son to save us and open the doors to heaven again.
Have you thanked God today for fulfilling His promises by giving us Jesus?
O Lord, thank You for giving us the saving grace of Your Son Jesus’ Resurrection. Thank You for giving us the entire Bible to read and know Your promises and love. Amen.
Copyright 2021 Colleen Mallette
About the Author
Colleen Mallette
Colleen is the proud mother of three young adults. She loves being a full-time stay-at-home mom and a part-time bookkeeper for her husband. She likes to read, write, scrapbook, and volunteer, and is excited to use her talents to share God’s love and the hope of His promises through Colleen is co-author of “In Godʼs Hands, Miracles in the Lives of Moms” and blogs at Colleen's Contemplations.