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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Reflection by Gretchen Matthews

Today's Gospel: Luke 16:9-15


If there is one thing our three kids have always known, it’s that my husband and I will not tolerate dishonesty. It rankles us both in a way that nothing else does, and punishments for lying have been swift and strong ever since our children were very young. Even for infractions that others might consider small -- like fibbing about the amount of time spent watching TV or playing video games -- there are consequences (e.g. a loss of privileges and/or an increase in chores).

It doesn’t make us happy to discipline our kids, but we want to instill our values. Honesty is important. If we aren’t honest about small things, chances are, we won’t be honest about the really big things in life either, and in those arenas, the consequences when we’re caught lying and cheating are severe and sometimes permanent.

The Lord knows this, of course. Today’s Gospel speaks of the significance of honesty in small matters and then goes on to ask deeper questions, including, “If you are not trustworthy with what belongs to another, who will give you what is yours?” (Luke 16: 12).

In all matters, God is concerned with the state of our hearts. He is watching our intentions: how we treat our neighbors, how we handle money, how we use time, how we utilize absolutely everything that belongs to others and ourselves, because the ultimate truth is -- all of it belongs to Him, and our relationship with earthly things is a reflection of the depth of our love for Him.



Is honesty important to me? Where have I witnessed dishonesty causing long-term pain in a person’s life or family?



Lord, mold me into an even more honest servant. Show me any areas within myself where I am being dishonest with You.

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God is concerned with the state of our hearts and loves when we deal honestly with others, as this is a reflection of the depth of our love for Him. #dailygospel


Copyright 2020 Gretchen Matthews

Gretchen Matthews encourages others to see grace in their lives through her blog, Like the Dewfall, which you can find at www.gretchenmatthews.com.