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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Luke 6:12-16 - Feast of Saints Simon and Jude


Before Jesus made the monumental decision of who He would choose as his apostles, He retreated to the mountains to pray. He remained in prayer for an entire night, wanting to allow enough time for listening and contemplation. It was not until morning settled in that He came down, gathered his friends together, and announced whom He had chosen for this more intense ministry role. When I read this story I always wonder if there were any hurt feelings among the larger group of disciples, but I’m certain that Jesus relayed the news with kindness and discretion. There was a lot at stake, and He needed the right people to help Him fulfill his mission. After all, he had prayed about this decision.

So often, I forget to pray before I make decisions, both large and small. When I do remember to pray, it is often a quick articulation of my need right in that moment without any quiet conversation or contemplation whatsoever. Jesus was certainly quite busy during His days, but yet He makes time to pray for an entire night and to listen carefully for His Father’s voice before proceeding with an important part of His ministry. I need to follow this example every single day!

It is easy to become wrapped up in our own daily concerns and not allow our prayers time and space to breathe, both when we pray, and when we listen for the answer. I am a person who harbors anxiety very deeply, and my constant overthinking about the things and people I am most worried about makes for a very unpleasant interior state of emotional disquiet. I need to allow my mind and heart to settle into my interior mountain, and to listen for God’s voice.



In what ways can I listen for God's voice during and following my prayer time?



Lord, help me to remember to pray throughout my day, and especially to listen for You as I pray. I desire for You to be with me always, and to create peace and quiet within my heart and mind.

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It is easy to become wrapped up in our own daily concerns and not allow our prayers time and space to breathe, both when we pray, and when we listen for the answer.


Copyright 2020 Tiffany Walsh