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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Luke 6:1-5


“A field of grain…” Loaded with symbolism, isn’t it? Throughout the Bible we read about grains — the bounty of the earth, dying to self, spiritual nourishment, and signifying the nature of Christ — ultimately, through bread.

Making bread is an activity centuries old. The maker of bread often made it for more than their own need. It was shared with kin and frequently community.

Often as we make bread, we find pleasure knowing the delight it will bring to those who will eat our food. We anticipate their company by readying our self and our home to welcome the guest — our family or a friend.

We prepare for the breaking of bread, the oldest known joy revealed through the company of another person.

Funny how Our Lord teaches us the simplest lessons of love through His presence in others — the Breaking of Bread is not a singular nor isolated act of love.

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Often as we make bread we are pleased knowing the delight it will bring. We prepare for the breaking of bread, the oldest known joy revealed through the company of another person. #dailygospel



Think about when you have company coming. How do you prepare not just your home, but also your heart?



Lord, help me to ready my heart to receive You, to be open to Your gentle ways of seeing and welcoming You through others.


Copyright 2020 Margaret Rose Realy, Obl OSB