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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Mark 2:18-22

Jesus was a game-changer. He embodied change to the point that it cost Him his life. This resulted in a bigger change . . .  resurrection. In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus defines this change by weaving together three parabolic metaphors:  weddings, cloaks, and wine. Jesus is asked why His disciples do not fast. He answers them with His first metaphor,

“Can the wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is with them?”

Jesus is saying, I am with you, I am the bridegroom. It's party time. Save the fasting for when I am gone! Imagine the change that occurred in the people around Him or the change in us if we attend Mass celebrating the bridegroom in our presence.

In His second metaphor, Jesus is comparing traditions to old cloaks. There is a place for the old cloak, for old tradition, however, Jesus warns to not force something new that doesn’t fit with the old; it will only make things worse.

Third, regarding the wineskins, Jesus is saying there is also a time to throw out the old completely. There are circumstances where the old and new aren’t compatible. The old cannot change or expand like a new wineskin. New wine is fermenting and growing. God’s word must have room to grow inside us, to change us.

In these metaphors, Jesus weaves the idea that faith involves change and we must honor the “old cloaks," the old traditions, but also make way for the “new wine,” for Him and His mission.

Change is a part of life. Without it, we’d still be lost in our sins. Jesus is that change that has forever altered history and given us a new way of life and promise of future change--eternal life, where we will party with our Bridegroom!




When I am at Mass, do I truly celebrate the fact that Jesus is with me? What changes do I need to make within myself to accept Jesus more fully? Maybe I need to throw away wineskins of doubt, fear, or self-pity so new wineskins of courage, hope, and love can make room for Jesus.



Dear God, may I celebrate You always. May I make changes in my life so that You can expand inside of me, changing me for the better.


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Jesus is that change that has forever altered history and given us a new way of life and promise of future change--eternal life, where we will party with our Bridegroom! #DailyGospel

Daily Gospel 2


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