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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Reflection by Fr. Edward Looney

Today's Gospel: Matthew 8:1-4

The leper in today’s Gospel approaches Jesus, pays Him homage, and then makes a request. Before proceeding further in our reflection, it is necessary to reflect on the moments leading up to this encounter. How did the leper hear about Jesus? We know from the Gospels that people began talking about Jesus and what He was doing. Word spread quickly from town to town. But who told a leper, an unclean person, whom most people avoided?

As he heard about Jesus, he now sees Jesus coming, much like others in the Gospels, such as Zacchaeus or Bartimaeus (who heard it since he was blind). The leper drums up courage from within and begins approaching Jesus. What was drawing him? Could he sense the compassion and love of Jesus? Was he drawn to Jesus? Once he approaches Jesus, he does Him homage. Homage is worship. He bows down before Jesus. Maybe he kisses the hands or feet of Jesus. And then he makes a request.

“Lord, if you wish, you can make me clean.”

There is something significant about this statement. The leper is resigned to whatever Jesus wants. He already understands the phrase thy will be done. Jesus did wish it, so he was made clean. This miracle is profound because now this leper can go see his family from whom he would have been distant. He was restored in society. With his healing, he now could feel again.

Every time we enter a church, we are approaching Jesus. Maybe the leper can help us evaluate how we approach Jesus, what our motivation and belief are pertaining to Jesus, the nature of our homage, and the way we make our request. Let us approach Jesus with great faith that He can do something, and let us be resigned to His most holy will.




How will the leper's disposition change the way you approach Jesus?



Dear Lord, give me a deep faith in what You can do for me. I bring to You all my needs and ask for Your will to be done.


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The leper approached Jesus, worshipped him, and made a request. The story of this leper can impact all of us as we approach Jesus daily in prayer and the Holy Eucharist. #DailyGospel

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2023 Fr. Edward Looney

Fr. Edward Looney is a priest of the Diocese of Green Bay, president of the Mariological Society of America, author of several books, and host of the podcast How They Love Mary.