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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Luke 9:22-25

Wow. Lent just started, and Jesus is already talking about picking up our crosses and following Him. I mean, just yesterday, I had to skip breakfast, abstain from meat, and begin my personal Lenten fast—which means this is my second day without Wordle.

Oh, the humanity!

And now, Jesus is adding insult to injury by telling us that it’s going to get a lot bumpier:

“If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.”

I think the disciples probably understood this reference to the cross. Crucifixion was the normative form of capital punishment in those days, and they had undoubtedly seen more than their share of unfortunate cross-bearers. Still, they would not grasp the full meaning of this imperative: Take up your cross, and follow me, until the death and resurrection of Jesus. Once comprehension dawned, some of the disciples fell away; but others stayed and their numbers would increase and expand despite the knowledge that they must follow the Good Shepherd, all the way to Calvary, if necessary.

That’s loyalty. That’s passion. That’s . . . love.

Do I love Jesus that much? Giving up an addictive word game seems like a far cry from shedding blood. And yet, small sacrifices have the capacity to grow into larger ones. Few of us will be called to wear the crown of martyrdom, but we are all called to some form of self-denial. That is why Jesus uses the term, “daily.” Daily self-sacrifice requires vigilance—and a continual awareness of the One you are sacrificing for.

I will not be shedding blood anytime soon (God willing), but I will be offering Jesus that indulgent space between myself and Him otherwise known as small sacrifices.




Do I recognize that even small sacrifices, performed for the love of God, have great value?



Wounded God, help me to embrace Your example of loving sacrifice so that I may offer my own small sacrifices for love of You.


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I will not be shedding blood anytime soon (God willing), but I will be offering Jesus that indulgent space between myself and Him otherwise known as small sacrifices. #DailyGospel

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2024 Sarah Torbeck