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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: John 14:6-14

My sister has a friend who is a devout atheist. Her premise is simple: there are no absolutes; therefore everything is relative. If everything is relative, then there are no standards—except for the ones she temporarily imposes on herself—as a means to an end.

This belief system is commonly referred to as moral relativism, and it has hijacked our culture. We can believe, possess, or affect anything we wish since there is no standard, other than the personal criteria we have established for ourselves. The consequences of this kind of thinking have become all too evident; because the truth is that without absolutes—i.e., standards—there will be moral decay and chaos.

In today’s Gospel, we find three absolutes that stand in direct opposition to moral relativism. Jesus tells us that He is the way, He is the truth, and He is the life. These absolutes prevail as three pristine truths that defy the squishy compromises of human debate and compromise. There is an actual way to eternal life. There is an absolute truth that exists in the mind of the Holy Trinity, which encompasses all that is known and expressed within the Judeo-Christian principles. And there is true life: complete, eternal happiness that waits those who have chosen to follow the way—and that way (or path)—is Jesus Christ. He bears these principles within His divinity and humanity and actually names Himself with the phrase:

“I am the way and the truth and the life."

It is imperative that we, as Christians, grasp and internalize these absolutes in the person of Jesus Christ. He is the answer and the antidote to a chaotic and rudderless society.




How can I apply the divine standards of the way, the truth, and the life to my own situation?



Dear Jesus, help me to choose Your divine standards over the allure of the world’s false promises of gratification.


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Christ is the answer and the antidote to a chaotic and rudderless society.  #DailyGospel

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Copyright 2023 Sarah Torbeck