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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Matthew 25:31-46

Mommy guilt. The very phrase can evoke memories of Pinterest-inspired children’s birthday parties gone awry, holidays that did not live up to a Hallmark movie image, and Instagram tips for training your toddler that failed miserably.

Besieged by Mommy guilt, we can throw in the dishtowel and proclaim at anyone within earshot, “I want a vacation!”

But vacations can be hard to come by in February, when school calendars loom large. And, in our less frenzied moments, we may realize that we are carrying the burden of a false guilt triggered by emotion-inducing circumstances.

At times like these, isn’t it wonderful to know that the good God has a special, heavenly place reserved for those who feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and give drink to the thirsty?

For the work of mothers often consists of the works of mercy. As mothers, we are programmed to care for our children’s needs—even when it is inconvenient. This is holy work and it should never be dismissed as unimportant.

The great saint of the 20th century, Mother Teresa, often encountered people who believed they should be en route to Calcutta, India, to care for the poorest of the poor. But this wise woman preached that we can change the world by loving our families. We may find our own Calcuttas right where we live.

At those times when we feel as if we cannot refill another sippy cup, make another sandwich for our athletic teenage son or daughter, or change another diaper, let us remember the words of our Lord Jesus Christ. He wants us to be righteous and to live eternally with Him in heaven.

By living out our call as mothers, we can achieve the dream of eternal life not only for ourselves, but for those who follow our example.




Which acts of mercy can I perform for my family today?



Beloved Jesus, when we serve our neighbor, we serve You as well. Help us to look for opportunities to offer gifts of mercy to those around us.


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By living out our call as mothers, we can achieve the dream of eternal life not only for ourselves, but for those who follow our example. #DailyGospel

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2024 Maria V. Gallagher