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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Luke 11:29-32

The Ninevites Jesus praised in today’s Gospel repented for their evil way of life when Jonah came and warned them of his God’s displeasure. Turning their hearts and eyes to God, without any real knowledge of Him, they were spared. Christ drew a direct contrast between their response and that of the current Pharisees and teachers of the law.

Being far greater than the prophet Jonah, Jesus had shown these teachers He was their Messiah, but they refused to believe in Him. Too few repented and asked God for mercy and His graces. No wonder Christ admonished them! The Ninevites responded to God’s message delivered by a mere man; the Pharisees had God’s message delivered by the Son of God Himself.

How truly fitting this lesson is during Lent, our own period of repentance and reflection. Christ’s words to the crowd are harsh, but people need to be awakened to what is before them. Sometimes it is the only way to get through to people, to make them understand how far they have gone astray.

“This generation is an evil generation.”

These words are as true today as they were on the day Christ was preaching to the Jewish people. He could be talking about our generation, our nation, our world. No one likes to be told what they are doing, enjoying, and thinking is wrong. We see it over and over again in social media, in the news, in our schools. Anything goes!

But there will always be right and wrong. As Catholics, we need to be like the Ninevites, to be the example Christ expects us to be. This Lent reflect, repent, and be reconciled to Him.




Are my actions more like those of the Pharisees, who refused to listen to Jesus’s Words because they are inconvenient at times?



Dear Lord, help me to keep my eyes and ears open to Your words regardless of what others may say about me. Give me the strength to be Your face in this world.


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Christ said "this generation is an evil generation," and it is as true today as when He preached those words. As Catholics, we need to be the example Christ expects us to be. #DailyGospel

Daily Gospel 2

Copyright 2023 Carol Sbordon Bannon