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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Matthew 17:1-9

This passage represents one of those “wish-I-were-there” moments in the New Testament. Imagine being with Jesus as He leads you to the mountaintop. What an incredible experience that would be! Peter, James, and John were so fortunate to be led by the Savior to that terrific view.

Picture Jesus being transfigured—his face and clothes appearing to be incandescent. What a marvelous sight to behold!

And then, just when it seemed that nothing could top this mountaintop experience, Moses and Elijah appear out of nowhere, speaking to Jesus. The scene would appear to be a time-traveler’s dream: two giants of the Old Testament conferring with Jesus. Imagine what that other-worldly conversation would have entailed.

It is certainly not surprising that Peter wanted to erect a tent for each of these heavenly heavy-hitters. But this is not meant to be a post-Mosaic era meeting of the minds.

A voice then thunders forth from a cloud, proclaiming Jesus to be the Son of God. The Father expresses His faith in the Son, urging the disciples to listen to Jesus. It’s not hard to see why the group would fall to the ground in fear and trepidation. Jesus then speaks to them words of consolation, and, by the time they rise, Moses and Elijah are nowhere to be found.

The human instinct at that point might be for the disciples to tell the story of the Transfiguration to everyone they meet. But Jesus issues a warning not to tell anyone until the Resurrection.

Perhaps you have had a mountaintop experience with the Lord. It’s wonderful to reflect upon—but at a certain point, we must all climb down from the mountain and take up our cross. There can be a certain consolation in the struggle, however, knowing Christ is at our side.




When was the last time you had a mountaintop experience with Jesus?



Dearest Jesus, help me to recognize in You the Son of God and to heed Your words. In Your life-giving words, may I find hope and the strength to carry on.


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At a certain point, we must all climb down from the mountain and take up our cross. #DailyGospel


Daily Gospel 4

Copyright 2023 Maria V. Gallagher