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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.


Today's Gospel: John 5:17-30

Growing up, I liked identifying myself as the daughter of a comedian. In his youth, my father had recorded a comedy album and he had gone to various radio stations to promote it. After he married, he left the comedy circuit behind and earned his living as an accountant. But, in my view, it wasn’t so glamorous to be the daughter of a numbers-cruncher. So I played up my connection to comedy as often as I could.

Jesus knew who He was and whose He was. His Heavenly Father was Creator of the Universe—all loving, all good, and all powerful. Jesus’ Father can literally do anything but sin.

Christ paid a heavy price for being God’s only-begotten Son. He paid with His life. But He was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice out of pure love for humankind. He was valiant and faithful to the very point of his crucifixion.

Jesus had been sent to earth to pay the ransom for us. With His death, He opened up the gates of heaven. He was the Savior for whom the world had been waiting.

But the world did not treat Him kindly. As mothers, we experience wonderful blessings in our children. Yet, our vocation also comes with its crosses.

Perhaps during those times when we fear we may experience a Mommy Meltdown we can turn to the Lord and ask Him for His grace. The grace to accept the spilled juice, toddler tantrums, and teenage drama with love and understanding. After all, He shed His blood for us. The least we can do is smile our way through the hurdles of the day. God has given each of us a specific mission. May we have the wisdom to understand it, and the strength to carry it out.




Which cross can I give over to the Lord today?



Dear Jesus, You made the ultimate sacrifice for me. Help me to willingly and cheerfully sacrifice for all of those entrusted to my care.


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God has given each of us a specific mission. May we have the wisdom to understand it, and the strength to carry it out. #DailyGospel

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2024 Maria V. Gallagher