Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.
Today's Gospel: John 18:1-19:42
As a mother with a young son, it is impossible for me to read the story of the Passion in today’s Gospel without feeling a lump form in my throat. Before I was a mother, and even when I was the mother of daughters, I could understand Mary’s suffering on an intellectual level, but I didn’t feel personally connected to her pain. Now that I have a little boy, it is much more difficult for me to keep my emotions at bay. As Jesus is arrested, condemned, beaten, crucified, killed, and buried, I can’t help but imagine myself having to watch my only son go through such excruciating experiences.
As I reflect on Mary’s suffering, I also can’t help but think about my role in her anguish. Her little boy hangs on the cross today because of me. Sometimes I think we become desensitized to the image of Jesus on the cross because we see it so often. Viewing it through the eyes of the Blessed Mother can reawaken our senses. We are reminded of the consequences of our sins, but we also stand in awe of the depth of Jesus’ love, that He would willingly be crucified on our behalf.
As mothers, we have the unique opportunity to walk through Christ’s Passion as women who know what it is to love a child. As you read today’s Gospel, allow yourself to mourn with Mary and ask the Lord to help your sorrow lead you ever closer to Him as we await His Resurrection.
How does reflecting on Mary’s sorrow while I read this Gospel help me to observe Good Friday?
Lord, as we remember Your Passion today, help us to repent of the sins that cause such pain for You and Your mother, so that we may be prepared to celebrate on Easter.
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As mothers, we have the unique opportunity to walk through Christ’s Passion as women who know what it is to love a child. #DailyGospel
Copyright 2024 Katie Fitzgerald
About the Author

Katie Fitzgerald
Katie Fitzgerald is a former children's librarian turned homeschooling mom. She and her librarian husband live in Maryland with their five children: three big sisters and a set of boy/girl twins. She blogs about homeschooling and reading at ReadAtHomeMom.com and writes short fiction, some of which appears in online magazines and print anthologies. Connect with her on Instagram @katiefitzstories.