Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.
Today's Gospel: John 15:18-21
It can be hard to let go of the fact that your life is not about you. In fact, pretty much every fiber of our being rails against this idea. Many of our natural instincts incline us to put ourselves above the needs and wishes of others. The line between self-preservation and self-service is often quite thin.
Jesus’ words today are challenging, but they are also meant to assure us. Yes, the way of Jesus is often countercultural. And yes, by choosing to live according to the teachings of Jesus you will likely encounter struggles with others. But you yourself are not the root of the problem; you are not the key factor. Jesus is. In fact, before you were even called to this life, Jesus was turning the world upside down.
This takes quite a bit of pressure off of us. The phrase “don’t kill the messenger” comes to mind. We are the messengers, Jesus is the message. We have been chosen by Jesus, claimed by Him as His own. We live in the world, but we are bearers of the Good News of Jesus to the brokenness of the world.
This is hard, because no one likes to be confronted with their brokenness. Jesus warned His disciples that difficulties, even hatred, were to be expected. That phrase again, “don’t kill the messenger,” becomes quite graphic when we consider martyrs like St. Maximilian Kolbe, Sts. Perpetua and Felicity, the 120 Martyr Saints of China, and the Apostles. Their complete gift of self rather than to deny Jesus is the ultimate recognition that our lives are not supposed to be about us. While not all of us are called to martyrdom, we do have opportunities each day to die to self and live according to the way of Jesus.
Where is there an opportunity for me to deny myself in a small way in order to put Jesus and others first?
Dear Jesus, please give me the eyes to see that my life is not about me. Show me how and where and when I have opportunities to let Your goodness and life shine forth.
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We are the messengers, Jesus is the message. We have been chosen by Jesus. We live in the world, but we are bearers of the Good News of Jesus to the brokenness of the world. #DailyGospel
Copyright 2024 Kate Taliaferro
About the Author
Kate Taliaferro
Kate Taliaferro is an Air Force wife and mom of 6. She has a Masters in Religious Education and tries to find God's presence in all parts of her day, be it cooking, cleaning or just the everyday ordinary. She enjoys homeschooling, stitching crafts and finding cheerios between the couch cushions. She blogs at Daily Graces.