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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: John 17:11b-19

As a young parent, I recall learning that one of the ways to boost my children’s self-confidence and convey a sense of love and belonging was to create situations where they would “overhear” me telling my husband or someone else positive things about them. Instilling a sense of belonging was particularly important to me since both of my boys are adopted.

Today, John’s Gospel provides one of those situations where a “private” conversation takes place between Jesus and His father, yet, Jesus intends for us to “overhear” His words, specifically so that we “may share [in His] joy completely.”

And, we have reason for great joy! In this Gospel, Jesus is unapologetically declaring how absolutely precious we are to Him and requesting our continual protection by making a very strong appeal to the Father.

How comforting it is knowing that Jesus perfectly loves us.

Not only does He love you, but He wants you to whole-heartedly feel in every part of your being how absolutely treasured you are. So much so that He doesn’t stop at simply telling you this truth. He ensures that you will be cared for every moment of your life.

He knows life on earth is going to be hard. He tells the Father, “the world hated them,” but He asks the Father for the one simple thing you need: “keep them from the evil one.” He is always supporting and petitioning the Father for you. Today, tomorrow, and always.




In the past week, how has Jesus revealed to me just how cherished I am to Him?



Jesus, thank You for your unceasing love and protection. Help me pursue You as much as You pursue me.


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Not only does He love you, but He wants you to whole-heartedly feel in every part of your being how absolutely treasured you are. #DailyGospel

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2023 Denise Jelinek