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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Reflection by Cathy G. Knipper

Today's Gospel: Mark 12:1-12

As a farmer’s daughter, I have seen both sides of this parable in modern life. Fortunately, no one was ever killed or beaten, in my experience!

From the perspective of a tenant, workers often think the landlord is greedy, wanting only to profit from the sweat of their labor. As a landowner, seeing a farm run efficiently, producing a fruitful harvest, is the goal. Both sides have their viewpoint, but respecting the land and landowner is the responsibility of the workers. What is striking about this parable is the persistence of the landlord.

“He sent yet another whom they killed. So, too, many others; some they beat, others they killed.” Mark 12:5

Of these “many others,” there have been prophets and saints, trying to do God’s will in the vineyard of the world.

How merciful is our God as He tends the vineyard of our hearts! He tries again and again to reach us, sending us His Son, Jesus. Though the workers of the field killed Him, He spent His last breaths saying,

“Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.”

How faithful are we to the vineyard God has entrusted to us? Do we realize we all are tenant farmers, entrusted with not only the care of our physical earth, but the constant care and cultivation of our spiritual harvest? What types of crops am I planting in my vineyard today? Am I tending the good grapes with love for the landlord of my soul? Am I regularly pulling the weeds of anger, resentment, judgment, and all my sins to allow room for the good crops to grow? Am I a faithful worker, toiling for God to produce a bountiful spiritual harvest?

Let us be ready to welcome with open arms the One who comes to obtain the “produce of our vineyard," at "the proper time."




Am I a faithful worker for the harvest of the Lord?



Lord, guide me today as I tend Your crops. May the seeds I plant yield a bountiful spiritual harvest, and may I pull the weeds of sin from my heart.


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How faithful are we to the vineyard God has entrusted to us? Am I regularly pulling the weeds of anger, resentment, judgment, and all my sins to allow room for the good crops to grow?

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2023 Cathy G. Knipper

Cathy is a farmer's daughter, wife, mom, and new grandma. She works as an author coach and book publicist. She tries daily to be a woman of faith while fighting her Instagram addiction, reading as voraciously as time allows, working on her log cabin home in the woods, and splitting her time between her two grandsons. Follow her on IG @awordinprogress