Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.
Reflection by Connie Beckman
Today's Gospel: Matthew 9:14-17
Jesus is my bridegroom, and I am invited to His banquet every time I go to Mass. Jesus desires to transform my heart and give me His new wineskin.
“So whoever is in Christ is a new creation: the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come.” (2Corinthians 5:17) I am a new creation in Christ Jesus.
However, sometimes I allow myself to hang on to old garments (old habits and old sinful patterns.) I become full of old wineskins. Until I finally run to Jesus in the confessional and ask Jesus to forgive me.
In the Sacrament of Reconciliation I meet my merciful Jesus, Who washes me clean with His Precious Blood. He gives me His new wineskin and once again invites me to the wedding feast of the Lamb, where I am overflowing with His joy and love.
Is your merciful Jesus inviting you to meet Him in confession today?
Jesus, create in me a clean heart. Renew within me a steadfast spirit. I surrender my old wineskin to You, my bridegroom. Merciful Savior, I ask You to give me Your new wineskin filled with the precious blood of the Lamb.
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Jesus desires to transform my heart and give me His new wineskin. #dailygospel
Copyright 2022 Connie Beckman
Connie Beckman resides in Helena, Montana, with her husband and is a member of Saint Cyril & Methodious Parish. Her desire as a writer is to encourage Catholic spiritual growth by sharing the truths of the faith through the written word addressing a variety of subjects. Connie shares her joy and love of God at her website