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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Matthew 9:18-26

In both readings today, something beautiful happens! A woman in Hosea is literally swept off her feet and welcomed into a marriage of faithful compassion forever. Did you feel that? Did you feel that the day you married your spouse? Do you feel the excitement in this reading? To have such loyalty, compassion, and fidelity in a person for eternity is widely known in our world as something only to dream about, not to have. But we DO have it, in the Lord! As the song goes, our God is an awesome God!

Now to go further today in the Gospel, Jesus not only cures the official's daughter, but inadvertently cures a woman whose faith was so strong that she just touched His cloak and was cured of a 12-year hemorrhage!

The lesson here in both these readings is that God wants us to be open to His love. He is ready to give us everything we need to be happy in His presence. With His love in our hearts we will have the gift of faith that is the pathway to our needs being met. The official and the woman with the hemorrhage both had the strength of faith to merely ask or simply touch our Lord and their needs were met! Simply asking or touching.

Since we cannot touch Christ in human form, we can touch Him in the sacrament of the Eucharist whenever we attend Mass. We can touch and ask Him for our needs, and He will be compassionate and faithful to us.




Have you ever just felt like touching our Lord? Being helped by Him in times of trouble? How did you manage during that moment?



Lord, there are times when I just need Your touch in my life. Touch me with Your compassion, be faithful to me in my need. I love You with all my heart, and I praise You.


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The official and the woman with the hemorrhage both had the strength of faith to merely ask or simply touch our Lord and their needs were met! Simply asking or touching.

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2022 Ebeth Weidner