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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Reflection by Caitlan Rangel

Today's Gospel: Matthew 9:14-17

I struggled with disordered eating for years, so fasting is something I’ve had to approach with much reverence and tenderness. Even when I came to a point of greater health and wholeness—a healing due in great part to motherhood—I feared that fasting would be the entry to a rabbit hole of past pain and disorder.

As I have created habits that allow me and my family to approach food in a healthy and holy way, I have learned to incorporate fasting back into my life. So, how do we fast in a way that brings us closer to the bridegroom?

First, our family practices abstaining from meat and/or other special food or drink on Fridays. We talk about how on Friday we focus on how Jesus sacrificed his life for us. We in turn make a sacrifice of our comfort and immediate desires because we love Him.

A second way we fast as a family is by keeping our focus on simplicity. For example, we may want take-out (and some days we do order in!), but if there is a way to bring together a simple soup, make eggs, eat leftovers, or even pop a frozen pizza in the oven, we try to take that option.

A final way we incorporate fasting into our family life is by recalling many people who do not have sufficient food—fasting becomes an opportunity for solidarity. I may want an extra snack after dinner—and sometimes it’s necessary, if I’m pregnant, for example—but if I delay for just 30 minutes and instead offer a prayer for those who have not, I am often satisfied with going without extras.

When viewed through this lens, fasting becomes an opportunity for formation in holiness instead of an occasion for disorder.




What role does fasting play in my spiritual life? Do I use it as a means of control or an opportunity for surrender, simplicity, and solidarity?



Jesus, You are our love. Give us the grace to practice fasting in such a way that it brings us closer to Your heart and the ones You love.


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Even when I came to a point of greater health and wholeness—a healing due in great part to motherhood—I feared that fasting would be the entry to a rabbit hole of past pain and disorder. #DailyGospel

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2023 Caitlan Rangel

Caitlan Rangel is a wife and homeschooling mama of four. After years of struggling with disordered eating, motherhood has been one of God’s greatest instruments of healing. Caitlan creates habits to raise a family with a healthy and holy approach to food. Read her Rest & Rise newsletter to receive bites of nourishment for parenting, restoring health, and living with God.