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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Reflection by Kathryn Mulderink

Today's Gospel: Luke 10:25-37

On this Sunday, we hear the familiar story of the Good Samaritan, in which Jesus points out to the “scholar of the law” (who presumably should know better) that the heart of God, the essence of “right living,” is in loving God and loving others for love of Him.

We don’t just love God like we love pizza or even like we love our friends. We must love God with all that we are, all the way, all the time. In loving God, we come to understand what it means to love ourselves rightly, and also what it means to love others. The parable highlights the hard truth that loving others means ALL others, even those outside of our tribe; it means loving when there is no personal gain or notoriety from loving. Loving others means taking on their burden without expecting anything in return. Loving others means allowing ourselves to be moved by the need of others, and in response, being merciful in every circumstance.

On our own, we are not capable of this kind of generosity. On our own, we protect ourselves from the vulnerability this requires. On our own, we cannot even see clearly the needs of others. But we are not on our own – we walk in the light of Truth, supported by the Spirit, Who has been poured into us. It is the very Spirit of God that allows us to live up to this lofty calling and to love truly in this world and into the next.




Where are the places that I hesitate to give fully, to allow myself to expose my vulnerability in order to love truly and fully?



Lord, You call us to participate in Your Own life of love by loving the people who cross our paths for love of You. Give us the prudence and generosity to hold nothing back, to love with Your Own love, so that others know that they are truly loved and mercy is infinite.


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Where do I hesitate to give fully, to allow myself to expose my vulnerability in order to love truly and fully?


Daily Gospel 4

Copyright 2022 Kathryn Mulderink

Kathryn Mulderink, MA, is a mother of seven, grandmother of four, and a Secular Discalced Carmelite. She has published five books. Over 30 years, she has worked in school and parish administration and as a writer and voice talent for Catholic Radio. Currently, she serves the Church as a writer and speaker, helping others encounter Christ and engage their faith. www.KathrynTherese.com