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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Matthew 10:24-33

I wonder what the world would look like if we each truly, deeply believed that we were worth more to God than sparrows. Jesus says that God even knows how many hairs are on my head. He knows literally everything about me, more than I even know about myself. And yet still, I am afraid to trust God fully.

Doubt is one of the devil’s greatest weapons. It was where he started in the garden with Eve, and it’s the card he continues to play today. Little seeds of doubt can quickly grow when they are watered by worry, anxiety, comparison, pride, and especially fear. As only Yoda from Star Wars can say, “fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.” While Yoda isn’t exactly a model Christian, he certainly has a good handle on how fear can fester in our hearts.

Fear’s opposite is trust. If we truly trust that God knows us, inside and out, and loves us no matter what, then what have we to fear? If we believe God is the same, yesterday, today and forever, then we know He is a God who keeps His promises. Time and again He has come through for His people. He sacrificed His Son for our salvation. We did not earn this love, it is lavishly given to us. Our God is a God of abundance, not scarcity.

If these things are true, then we really don’t have anything to fear. When we lean fully into trusting God’s Word, His will, and His providence, we can deprive the devil of a powerful weapon. There isn’t a situation we face without God. There isn’t a circumstance that is too difficult for Him to draw good out of. We belong to Him, not to fear.




What do you fear? Can you let go of it today?



Dearest Father, thank You for showering us with such love. You intimately know each one of us. Help us each realize just how precious we are in your sight, give us the strength to stand up to fear, and the peace that comes from trusting in Your mighty power.


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As only Yoda can say, “fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.” While Yoda isn’t a model Christian, he certainly has a good handle on how fear can fester in our hearts. #DailyGospel

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2023 Kate Taliaferro