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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Reflection by Virginia Pillars

Today's Gospel: Matthew 13:1-23

I’ve spent all but two of my sixty-seven years living on an Iowa farm. First with my parents and then with my husband for the past forty-seven years.

As I pondered this parable, I thought about the farmer whose seed landed on rich soil and yielded a bountiful harvest. Over my many years on the land, I’ve witnessed a marked difference in yields for the harvests we grow.

As a young girl, I can remember my dad produced about 100 bushels of corn and around 30 bushels of soybeans per acre. These were considered top yields. This year, my husband’s 50th crop, one field yielded over 250 bushels of corn and 70 bushels of soybeans per acre.

What changed?

Researchers have studied genetics and made improvements in the seed. Farming practices also changed, enabling the soil to grow double the bushels per acre. My husband has attended seminars and meetings every year to learn how to do the best job he can on our farm. Studying, learning, and changing enabled the yields to increase.

I must also study, learn, and change to reap a rich harvest in my spiritual life. It’s important to fertilize and feed my soul. God gave us a path to follow for our education. "I will instruct you and show you the way you should walk, give you counsel with my eye upon you." (Psalm 32:8) I enrich my life with the Lord through the Scriptures, the Mass, the Eucharist and the other Sacraments, and prayer. Jesus taught us to pray when He gave us the Our Father. He modeled spending time with the Father. I know if I neglect my spiritual education, I’m like the seeds tossed on the rocky, thorny ground, and the world can choke out the growth of my soul.




How do I feed my spiritual growth in order to produce top yields in the Lord’s kingdom?



Lord, thank You for the model You gave us to grow closer to You and to the Father. Enrich our souls with Your mercy and grace.


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The best way to continue to grow and produce higher yields is to study, learn, and change our ways for a more productive way of life. #DailyGospel


Daily Gospel 4

Copyright 2023 Virginia Pillars