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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Matthew 10:34-11:1

Talk about some serious “marching orders!” At first read, this can seem like a rather harsh Gospel reading. It’s one of those prickly kinds of lessons that feels more like a pebble in your shoe than a hug around your neck, but as I prayed with it several times, a comfort washed over me knowing Jesus was cutting right to the chase!

This Gospel reminds us that living our discipleship sometimes means battle, and we are called to make tough choices and draw very clear lines in the sand! The truth is, we are either moving closer to Christ or we’re moving away. There is no staying right where we are, so we have to be all in. The Father requires that we give Him the absolute primary spot in our lives.

One of the toughest parts of picking up our cross to follow Him is the truth that following Him sometimes means leaving other things behind. Living our relationship fully might mean leaving things that are familiar and comfortable and simple, but He promises that living for Him will be the better choice. I often have to remind myself that whatever greatness I can muster on earth is absolutely puny compared to the graces and blessings that will come from letting go of worldly things and grabbing hold of Him.

If our goal is to join the Communion of Saints, there will be a battle, but the key to winning the battle is to trust with all our heart the One leading us through that battle, keeping our eyes on Him and letting nothing come between us. Not people or things or discouragement or distraction.




What things or relationships might be in the way of giving the Father the absolute first spot in your life? What distracts you from making prayer and service the primary parts of your day?



Loving Father, prepare me for the crosses and battles of this day. Remind me of Your faithful presence in my life and allow your Holy Spirit to point out the people You put in my path to lead me to You.


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One of the toughest parts of picking up our cross to follow Him is the truth that following Him sometimes means leaving other things behind.

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2023 Sheri Wohlfert