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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Matthew 17:14-20

Many times in life we are faced with doubts. We question our ability to do something, we wonder if we have what it takes. Did I do enough, did I try hard enough, could I have done things differently? At times it seems our entire lives are spent questioning ourselves.

Take comfort in knowing the apostles questioned their abilities also. In today’s Gospel, they were unsuccessful in curing a young boy; they could not drive out the demon. Luckily, the father took it upon himself, went straight to Jesus, and the boy was healed. Later, the apostles asked Jesus for answers. Why couldn’t we heal the boy, they wondered.

And Christ’s answer was simple: They, the apostles, did not have enough faith. In fact, according to Jesus, their faith was smaller than a mustard seed:

“Amen, I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20

We tell our families ‘all things are possible with faith’. But, how much faith is enough? Do we turn to faith in the midst of daily trials? Can we willingly lay our problems at the Lord’s feet and walk away, knowing He will handle it? For me, relying more on God and less on myself is something I have to work at every day.

We need to nurture our faith as we nurture our family’s health. We cannot put it on the shelf, only pulling it out on Sundays and holidays. Faith, like children and family relationships, needs constant tending. Only then will it grow into something that will move mountains.




How do you nurture your faith?




Lord, send me the Holy Spirit and increase my faith. May my faith be the flame that ignites in others a burning desire for God and His way.


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Many times in life we are faced with doubts. We tell our families ‘all things are possible with faith.' But how much faith is enough? #DailyGospel

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2023 Carol S. Bannon