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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Matthew 25:14-30

His master said to him, "Well done, my good and faithful servant. Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities. Come, share your master’s joy." Matthew 25:21

What if we buried our talents? What if we didn’t use the gifts that God gave us?

I wonder about that every time I hear someone who sings like an angel. Or I see a painting that touches my heart.

We are all given gifts. Sometimes we are too afraid to share them. Or we think we are not worthy to use them so we hide them.

But we are not given gifts or talents so we can bury them. We are given gifts to use them and to help others. We are given gifts to serve God.

And to share our master’s joy.

What if my spiritual director had hidden his gifts of spiritual direction and compassion? He is the one who helped me to discern that I was called to be a spiritual director. And he is the one who encouraged me to write my book about surviving sexual abuse so I could help others.

My husband felt called to the diaconate over 20 years ago.

There was no diaconate formation program scheduled in our diocese at that time. Still, he didn’t lose hope and started taking classes in our diocesan school for pastoral ministries.

Just in case.

And wouldn’t you know? A new formation program did start.

And he was ordained 16 years ago.

What if he had given up? If he had not been faithful, he could not have shared his master’s joy.

When we use our gifts to serve one another, they seem to grow. When we do not use our gifts, when we ignore them or bury them . . . what happens then?




What are my gifts and how do I use them to serve others?



Jesus, thank You for my gifts. Please help me to use them with joy in serving others.


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What if we buried our talents? What if we didn’t use the gifts that God gave us?

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2022 Colleen Spiro