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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Luke 8:1-3

Women by name in the bible are vastly outnumbered by the men who are named. Not surprising since the bible was written during a time when women were second-class citizens. However, this “lesser citizenship” is precisely why it is important to note when women ARE named in the bible. There is a reason and a lesson to be shared in their story every single time.

This particular passage discusses Jesus’ journey in sharing the Good News as far as he could travel with as many people as possible. Jesus and the apostles were fishing for men (Matthew 4:19) and they were joined by women who were beneficiaries of His grace—walking miracles. Their faith in Christ healed them and in turn they shared in the journey with Jesus and the apostles, assisting them along the way from their personal resources. This wasn’t just cash to buy what they needed. The women likely provided food and a comfortable place to rest during the journey, tending to the preachers in a compassionate and nurturing manner, allowing them to focus on the mission at hand by knowing that they were taken care of at the end of each day. What a beautiful and symbiotic relationship these women had with Jesus and the apostles.

While equality is important in many areas of life between women and men (equal pay for equal work/experience, access to education, jobs and the opportunity to live a better life, among a few), it is also so important to step back and look at the big picture. Men and women are meant to live complementary lives, assisting one another, each with their own strengths and weaknesses for balance; they are meant to be a team. We see this in the ministry of Jesus and the apostles and the women who cared for them. The women did not have a less important role; it was a complementary role that benefited all.

As a society we have lost sight of this complementary relationship between men and women, and this has created chaos. Life is not a competition; it is a team sport and we all have different and beautiful roles. Let us turn back to focusing on serving one another with our unique gifts, complementing each other and becoming stronger together.




What relationships can I improve upon by complementing others with my unique gifts?



Help us to remember that we are individually and beautifully created to share our gifts with others so that we may grow, work, live, and love together.


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Life is not a competition; it is a team sport and we all have different and beautiful roles.

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2022 Tracy Eisner

Tracy Eisner is a wife of 27 years to her high school sweet heart with four grown children (how did THAT happen?) and a dog and cat to round out the emptying nest. Lover of the beach and the mountains, a good cup of coffee with a book and a comfy chair! https://makingthetrek.com/about/