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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Matthew 21:28-32

How many of us can identify with today’s passage as parents! The chore that was assigned and agreed upon but left undone. Or the surprise felt when someone unexpectedly picked up a task that was said they couldn’t do. Yet our families are but one setting for this parable, as we can see this played out in our everyday encounters with others and quite frequently in our own yes to God.

In this passage, Jesus highlights what it is to be truly faithful and the real change needed to follow through in faith. Neither past decisions nor social positions of the sons was brought up, but rather the choice that each would make after their encounter with the Father. Here, Jesus speaks to the Jewish scribes and pharisees who had promised to do God’s will and yet would not see that will fulfilled in Christ. It would be, however, the least likely Gentiles, fishermen and tax collectors, who having heard Christ’s call would now leave everything behind to follow Jesus.

What a poignant reminder about being faithful in both intention and practice that we are also called to as disciples! This greater transformation, which Jesus is speaking to, takes place within the heart and not just on the lips. Occurring not just once but repeatedly, sometimes daily, over the course of our lifetime. Likewise, our decision to follow God’s will for our lives goes beyond what we profess within the doors of the Church, to be lived out in the world. As disciples, we come to understand that the work in the vineyard is not attractive by worldly standards, often requiring effort, patience, and trust. The fruits of our yes today we may never see in another’s life, but oh the difference God seeks to make in our own!




Does my yes to God in prayer lack follow-through in my life? Where might God be inviting me to greater intentionality and commitment?



Father, You know that the way ahead is not easy in committing to follow You today. Strengthen the work of my hands and resolve in my heart to follow Your will and purpose in all I do and say.


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Our families are but one setting for this parable, as we can see this played out in our everyday encounters with others and quite frequently in our own yes to God. #DailyGospel


Daily Gospel 4

Copyright 2023 Elizabeth Reardon