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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Luke 11:37-41

“Woe to you.” How often do we hear this sentence in Scripture? We frequently hear it said by the prophets as a warning to those who are not following the Lord. In Luke's Gospel, we hear it four times. This is serious stuff.

The notes in the New American Bible Revised Edition tell us, “Jesus presents the Pharisees as those who insidiously lead others astray though their seeming attention to the law.” Perhaps this is one way the evil one works on people who are devoted to the law and want very much to follow it. Charity is more important than the law. May we never forget that love is the highest virtue.

I’m reminded of a story I once heard of a couple entering a Catholic Mass. The woman was not Catholic and she was carrying a cup of Starbucks coffee. I can imagine that there were some eyebrows raised. I hope the woman didn’t notice. Someone approached them, introduced herself, and warmly welcomed them. Charity is more important than the little rules and expectations we have. Do I mentally apply the letter of the law in ways that sacrifice charity, especially in my thoughts? What is my reaction when I see someone dressed inappropriately for Mass? How do I respond when a baby cries at Mass or in Adoration? Are my thoughts kind and gentle, even if the parent does not leave as soon as I would expect?

There are many ways we can practice charity by not getting caught up in legalism. Thankfully, the judging of others is not our job. May we always make excuses for those who might not follow protocol or parish norms quite exactly. Our God is a God of mercy. May we see everyone and everything with His eyes of mercy, including ourselves.




How can I follow God’s law of love with more fervor and diligence?



O Lord, Father of mercy, help us to have Your eyes as we interact with others and help us to know that when we fail, Your mercy is always there for us.


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Charity is more important than the law. May we never forget that love is the highest virtue.

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2022 Rosemary Bogdan