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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Luke 11:42-46

Jesus encounters many different people in his public ministry. Through these encounters, we see the depth and breadth of the Lord's mercy.

He embraces the marginalized, the ostracized, and the sinners, healing them in unexpected ways. I am moved by His compassion and love for these persons -- seeing them as they are and loving them.

My favorite example of His mercy is when Jesus encounters the woman at the well. He does not mince His words regarding her sin, yet loves her into a powerful conversion.

Whenever Jesus encounters the Pharisees, which is often, especially as His public ministry grows, we see a different response to his divine authority. The Pharisees are powerful, and often use their power to oppress the Jewish people with minutiae, loading the people with “burdens hard to carry, but [they themselves] do not life one finger to touch them.”

In today’s Gospel, Jesus denounces the Pharisees for their hypocrisy. He doesn't mince words with them, either. The truth may hurt, but it opens the door to conversion. Yet, the Pharisees cannot receive Christ’s message. Rather, they double down on their positions and application of the law, and resist correction. Instead, they pursue Jesus in an effort to catch Him in violation of Jewish law.




How do you respond to fraternal correction? Do you embrace humility or double down on your behavior?



Dear Jesus, I love You and praise You. Thank You for Your mercy. Teach me Your ways. 


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The truth may hurt, but it opens the door to conversion.

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2022 Maria Morera Johnson