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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Luke 12:1-7

Of the many generations that have come and gone on this earth, each one had to deal with evil, secrecy, and deceit. But each also had good people who cared for others, bore their burdens quietly, or struggled against those evils. Nothing is unseen by God and, as Jesus tells us in Luke 12,

“There is nothing concealed that will not be revealed, nor secret that will not be known.”

This notion should keep us honest. If no secret will remain a secret then neither should we entertain hypocrisy or secrecy that would be harmful to ourselves or others. Barring the occasional surprise party, we should remain honest about ourselves and others and not get caught up in the lies of others.

Jesus further tells us to not be afraid of someone who can only affect us in this world. If God is the only One who judges, then He is the only One who should concern us. If we remain faithful to Him, He will certainly notice. Even the sparrows can’t escape His knowledge, nor the very hairs on our heads! We may never fully understand our value to our Creator, but it’s encouraging to know His love is there for us.

Let us concern ourselves with God first and let go of the foolish gossip and rumors we may hear. Whether it’s our neighbors, family, or global, we cannot get caught up in the evils of the world. This world is fleeting. God is forever.




Am I honest in my words and deeds?



Loving Father, help me to not get caught up in the deceit of the enemy but to abide in Your Truth always.


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Let us concern ourselves with God first and let go of the foolish gossip and rumors we may hear. #DailyGospel

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2023 Caroline Godin