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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Luke 17:11-19

"Your faith has saved you."

Jesus heals ten lepers and only one falls to his knees to offer thanks to the Lord for the miraculous gift. It is perfect that this Gospel is proclaimed on Thanksgiving Day for us to reflect on. How often do we fall to our knees to give thanks to the Lord for the many gifts we enjoy in our lives?

Imagine these men were outcast to the community and probably believed that they were afflicted with leprosy for something sinful they must have done. They would not be welcomed in their church or counseled by their clergy. In fact, they would be invisible in accord with the cultural norms of the time. Yet, their faith led them to reach out to Jesus, Whom they believed would see and heal them. I wonder what the other nine did when they realized they had been healed? Did they just return to their families, rejoicing how Jesus healed them and shared the Good News?

My faith saves me every day, and I am so thankful for the sacrifice He made for me and offer sincere thanks to our Lord Jesus for every blessing on this Thanksgiving Day.




Would I have been the one to come back or one of the other nine who was thankful but didn't seek the Lord to offer thanks?



Jesus, help me to take time every day to list my blessings and offer thanksgiving to You for everything.


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My faith saves me every day, and I am so thankful. #dailygospel

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2022 Sherry Hayes-Peirce