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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Reflection by Emily Davis

Today's Gospel: Luke 21:1-4

Saint Teresa of Calcutta once said, “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”

This Gospel passage always reminds me of her and my grandparents. My grandpa discovered an oil field, helped a lot of people, and then wildcatted and lost his money. My grandmother was a humble school teacher for 31 years. Together, they raised other relatives' children, served the community, and more.

They were so poor, but they were happy and very holy (I think). When they didn’t have money to give, they would feed and serve others. I’m so thankful they helped me see the importance in helping others..

I have been the person without a lot of monetary riches most of my life. It was not until I became Catholic that I understood that God wasn’t judging me for that. He sees what I do. We are to give more than we think we can to people who have less than us and enrich their lives.

I’m so grateful for the widow’s heart; the great examples of the Holy Family, who taught us so much; and for the Saints, rich or poor, who gave up all to serve God and God’s people. God rewards unselfish givers abundantly. God wants us to be like the poor widow, who gave all she had.

In no way am I perfect, far from it, but I always give more than I have. I used to hate it, but I’ve grown into loving it. And I have met the most spectacular people just by listening to their stories and praying with them. During this Advent season, purposely stretch your gifts and give more time, smiles, meals, clothing, or whatever you have to give. You will never regret it, and Jesus will never forget it.




Do you willingly share your gifts with others or do you hold back?



Dear Lord, whatever gifts I have, let me never be selfish in sharing them with others. Teach me to love like You do. Teach me to have a heart as big as the poor widow.


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During this Advent season, purposely stretch your gifts and give more time, smiles, meals, clothing, or whatever you have to give. You will never regret it, and Jesus will never forget it. #DailyGospel

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2023 Emily Davis

Emily Davis is -- Catholic. Texan. Wife. Mama. Grandma. Crafter. Volunteer. Friend. Teacher. Writer. Faith Influencer. Recently made empty nesters, she and her husband, Marque, have been living in Italy since 2018, in support of the Navy/DoD. They are looking forward to this new period in their lives but miss their children and grandchildren dearly. Emily volunteers for both the Catholic Community and Military Community overseas. Her blog is Our Home, Mary’s Mantle.