Here are the Tech Talk highlights from last week.

Catholic Techie Beth Nicol

She's a self-described geek, but she's so much more. Meet this week's Catholic Techie.

Starting the Discussion: Memes

Join us for an exclusive interview with Ryan Scheel, creator and editor of Catholic Memes.

Google Apps in the Church

Google Apps offer parishes, apostolates, and ministries a way to have the latest technology for free. Learn how you can use them for yourself!

Word Among Us: An App that Saved My Day

It's beautifully designed and wonderfully executed, whether you're using your phone or your tablet. We have good things to say about the Word Among Us app.

Making the Internet Less Scary Through the Eyes of Faith

A new website offers parents resources, tools, how-tos, and much more so that they can make the internet a less scary place.

 Review: Mass Effect 3: The Final Battle

Our team takes a look at Mass Effect 3 and finds it pretty entertaining. (It's only for adults, though.)

Read all of our Tech Talk columns.

Copyright 2013 Sarah Reinhard