
During one of my last confessions, the priest urged me to discern what I'm ACTUALLY being called to do when I confessed that I don’t seem to be doing what I’m called to do.

Given that I am a busy mother he suggested that I concentrate on those things where I encounter God most deeply.  Ironically, I think he figured that I might be more called to meet with him along my day rather than the frequent reception of the various sacraments.


After reading Vinny Flynn's newest book, 7 Secrets of Confession, I now understand why that isn’t the case.

Vinny Flynn lets us in on seven little-known secrets of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  You forgot it was called that didn't you?  Me, too. :)

But Confession is really about reconciling our relationship with God.    Appropriately enough, the first secret is that our sin doesn't change God.  Your two-year-old could cut his hair, paint the dog white, and feed the entire contents of your pantry to the squirrels, but you still love him fiercely and would die for him.  Same goes with God and our sin.  Except that I'm sure he doesn't get as frustrated as I do.  Ahem.

All seven secrets are just as simple to understand, but profound in their progression.  Confession is classified as a sacrament of healing and each secret that is revealed shows how God's showers his Grace upon us.

This book has deepened my love and need for confession, and it has put understanding to the emotions that I feel when I go.  At the end, Flynn compares confession to an oil change and I love that comparison: it really brings it home for me.

He also includes a few hors d’oeuvres – or things to do BEFORE confession, including some prayers, psalms and different ways to examine your conscience.  Good stuff.

If you are interested in learning more about the beauty of confession, want to learn more about your faith, or are just plain desperate and in need of grace, I recommend that you read 7 Secrets of Confession.  It may change your life.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go read the copy of 7 Secrets of the Eucharist that has been on my "to read" shelf for two years. :)  I’m sure that one is just as needed!

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Copyright 2013, Jen Steed