CatholicMom-booknotes-logo We've had two snows already and, on Sunday, a rash of tornadoes and severe storms. So crazy weather it is around here!

And my reading has been crazy, too (read as: lighter than I would like).

Recent Reads

Nothin. :(

Current Reads


These Beautiful Bones: An Everyday Theology of the Body, by Emily Stimpson (Emmaus Road Publishing 2013)

I can already tell you this: this is one of the best books I've read this year. If my body didn't require sleep, I would have finished it already. As it is, I'm aiming for a chapter a day through the end of the week, when I should have it done. Stimpson is a delightful writer and her practicality cuts through the sometimes too theoretical-seeming theology of the body, applying it to, well, everything. No joke: I LOVE THIS BOOK.


Totus Tuus: A Consecration to Jesus through Mary with Blessed John Paul II, by Fr. Brian McMaster (Our Sunday Visitor, 2013)

I started this book sort of on a whim. Since then, I've had a few major hurdles come my way, and leaning back into Mary's arms and turning to Jesus are just what I needed. Who knew? :)

Up Next


When Faith Feels Fragile: Help for the Wary, Weak, and Wandering, by R. Scott Hurd

Here's the synopsis:

Feed your faith with this motivational book serving up a hearty spiritual feast of inspiring anecdotes, amusing reflections, and helpful advice.

At some point in our lives, no matter who we are-laity, clergy, consecrated men/women-we question, doubt, or struggle with our faith commitment. Even individuals who have been canonized or beatified have had this experience. Maybe the faith you acquired during childhood no longer resonates with the challenges you face as an adult. Or, perhaps you have suffered a painful loss or illness that has shaken the foundations of your belief. Or, maybe you simply can't seem to find the time or drive to make faith a constant in your life. Especially in today's age where information overload and personal responsibilities divert our attentions, Church scandal prompts distrust, and Catholic social teaching stirs criticism, our faith is more fragile than ever before.

As someone who has personally struggled with his faith, best-selling author R. Scott Hurd knows all too well the questions, doubts, and challenges that can emerge within a faith commitment. And while he realizes that there's no overnight transformation from Homer Simpson to Mother Teresa, there is still hope for the wary, weak, and wandering. If you're a Catholic who values your faith, but you feel like sometimes you're hanging on to it by a thread, this book is for you.

Combining his pastoral ministry experiences with his conversational writing style and humorous nature, Father Hurd reassures, inspires, encourages, and challenges you to take practical steps to reawaken your faith. Offering ideas for how to integrate the faith into all aspects of your life-spiritually, practically, and leisurely-Father Hurd nourishes you with many ways to help you when faith feels fragile. Through his guidance, you can accept God's beautiful and priceless gift of faith.

What have YOU been reading lately?

*Are you on Goodreads? I'll see you there!

Curious about what my ratings mean? Here's an explanation of what the stars mean to me.

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Copyright 2013, Sarah Reinhard