Have you noticed there’s a lot of professional pressure to “play big?” To take your business to the “next level,” make oodles of money and become an overnight success?
Maybe it’s just me, but sometimes all that well-intended motivation is a bit overwhelming.
What if I am perfectly happy where I am for now? I understand that we are designed for growth…but what if God’s plan for me is to not to grow my business but to grow my faith and my character? What if his plan is BIGGER than my business? What if he intends for me to serve others through a different means – and my business is preventing me from doing so?
Don’t misunderstand me – I believe it’s important to have professional goals and to make changes in your business to meet your customer’s needs, reach your potential, expand your limits, and create a better lifestyle for your family. But I also know that we can get caught up in the competitive, materialistic, comparison-filled race to success. We can easily fall prey to a world in which we are measured by fans and subscribers and conversions and profits. A place where we no longer remember what really matters.
So if you’re beating yourself up because you haven’t accomplished any of your professional goals this year, take heart in knowing that it’s OK to walk the slow path to business success. It’s OK to take a step back every once in a while. It’s OK to put your faith and family first. In fact, here at the International Christian Mompreneur Network it’s encouraged!
If you’re feeling torn in two directions, then please remember that you are SUPPOSED to follow God, even when it means giving up on a business dream. Or putting it on hold for a bit.
If now is just not the right time for you to “move past your fears” and get to that next level of success, then let me be the first to applaud you for your clarity and restraint.
If your heart is not in it right now, I’m here to tell you there is NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU.
If you’re not growing fast enough, learning as much as you want, doing all that you planned in your business, please know that you are NOT LESS THAN perfect…you are NOT LESS THAN successful…you are NOT LESS THAN professional…you are ALL that God designed you to be. And you are right where you are supposed to be.
You are NOT A BUSINESS FAILURE if your income remains consistent (or even takes a dip) while you focus on your own health or spiritual development.
You are NOT WASTING TIME if you put your professional goals on the back burner in order to care for a relative or spend more time with family.
You are NOT PLAYING SMALL if you are perfectly content outside the spotlight. Not everyone is called to be Joyce Meyer or Oprah Winfrey or Mary Kay Ash. There is no rule that says you have to serve THOUSANDS or MILLIONS with your gifts. God may be calling on you to serve JUST ONE PERSON right now. As Mother Teresa reminds us, “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”
Trust me -- you can STILL DREAM BIG while you play a “smaller” game in business. And when it’s time to make those big dreams a reality, you will be ready. When the Holy Spirit whispers to your heart that “NOW is the time,” you will know.
Until then…if you love the work you do, and you know your clients or customers are happy…if you treasure the time you spend with your children…if you have enough energy left over at the end of the day to enjoy time with your husband…if you’re not constantly stressed about finances…if you have space in your schedule to pray, sleep, exercise and eat healthy meals…if you feel the gentle hand of God guiding you along the path you have chosen…then I’d say you are a big – no, make that MASSIVE – success.
How do you feel about playing big in business? Share your story with us here.
Copyright 2013 Theresa Ceniccola