
Today's Gospel: John 13:21-33, 36-38

One of the most memorable conversations between Jesus and his disciples is shared in today’s Scripture.  Jesus knows Judas is going to betray him and that Peter will deny him three times.  Yet, Jesus still loves them and forgives them even before they do these deeds.

I am amazed at how Jesus was able to set aside these betrayals, offer forgiveness and love, and was still willing to give up his life, not just for those who betrayed him but for every sinner.

Jesus provides us with another perfect and beautiful example to follow.  He calls us to forgive and to love.

There have been times in my life that I’ve had a difficult time forgiving someone.  Honestly, I wanted to stay mad.  I felt I deserved to be mad and to stay mad.

In truth, holding on to these feelings prevented me from being the person Christ intended me to be and from growing closer to Christ.  I also realized I was in no position not to forgive.  Forgiveness was required if I was going to be at peace within and with Christ.

God offers this peace to everyone.  All you have to do is let go of the anger and offer forgiveness and you will find peace too!


As you reflect on todays Scripture take a few minutes to look back on your life and relationships. Is there a situation or someone you need to forgive?  Are you ready to let go and discover the peace of Christ in your life as you continue to follow him?


Jesus, enter my heart today so that I may forgive others so I can grow closer to you and follow you towards eternal salvation.  Amen.

Copyright 2014 Lorrie Lane Dyer