Today's Gospel: John 10:1-10
We often call our pastors, shepherds- Our Holy Father, the cardinals, and our bishops and priests. In this gospel today, Jesus is speaking to the Pharisees, who were the shepherds and leaders of the Jews in His time. In verses 1-5, He is telling the Pharisees, through parable, that He who enters the sheepfold, by the door, is the shepherd. Others are thieves and robbers. He is telling them how to be shepherds, how to lead the people- the sheep. If they would just enter, by the door, then the sheep would hear their voices and follow them. They would follow joyfully as each shepherd called each sheep by name, a reference to a deep and personal love. It seems the Pharisees were not leading or loving in this way. Verse 6 shows us that they still don’t get it.
So in verses 7-10, Jesus tries again- this time more directly.
Clearly He says, “I am the door.”
To paraphrase, “Hey guys, you gotta go through me if you want to shepherd rightly and lead the sheep to joy and life. Enter through me. I want the sheep to have abundant life- but I need you to shepherd them through me.”
What experiences have you had with the shepherds of our Church? How can we support them in prayer?
Lord Jesus, we pray for all the shepherds of the Church, that they would see their primary task as having an intimate and personal relationship with You. Let them see You as the door that they must go through in order to be good shepherds and lead the Church. Let this union with You bring them and all of us in the sheepfold of the Church to hear Your voice, Jesus, through theirs. Let us have abundant joy!
Copyright 2014 Cynthia Ann Costello
About the Author

Cindy Costello
Cindy Costello is a praying wife and mom who is settling into her empty nest. More than fall trees and caramel lattes, she loves a pen hitting paper to create something unique and beautiful for God. Cindy is challenging herself intellectually and getting ready for Career #2 by pursuing a MA in Theology. And on the side she gives parish talks and retreats , specializing in Theology of the Body and all things Catholic! Visit her website at