Jesus Guide to the New Year Rosary rev

Editor’s Note: We’re continuing our journey through the rosary with Jesus as our guide.

"And preach as you go, saying, 'The kingdom of heaven is at hand.' Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons. You received without pay, give without pay." (Matthew 10:7-8)

christ-teaching-anglo-saxonThe Third Luminous Mystery calls us to take action.  We are called to Repentance and Trust in God through this Luminous Mystery.

Jesus tells us exactly what we are to do…we are called to serve others.  Over the years there has been one consistency I’ve found when serving others without expecting “pay.”  There are various forms of “pay” one can have in mind.  Some people do things for the accolades, others for the monetary pay, titles, position and as you know, the list can go on and on.

What I have found is that when I’ve given truly of my heart, with any expectations of any form of “pay” I have found the greatest reward.  The greatest reward is knowing that I’ve given of myself to someone in need.  It might even have been taking that moment to talk to someone who needed to be heard (especially when I’m in a rush).  If I set aside my needs, goals and agendas and tend to someone who needs me, I am rewarded with a content heart, a heart that is overflowing with God’s love…I know in that moment I heard and answered God’s calling.

This year, let us make it a priority to follow Jesus’ call to us to serve our fellow man.  Don’t be afraid and think you have to do something epic.  The smallest acts of service can have the most meaning.  You can take the Eucharist to a parishioner that is homebound, feed the hungry through your local church or town programs; you can organize a coat drive for children who don’t have proper clothing for the winter.  The list of ways to serve is as long as the world is around and even then I am certain it can keep on going!

Read all the reflections in the “Jesus’ Guide to the New Year through the Rosary” series.

Copyright 2014 Lorrie Lane Dyer